Yappy Days Doggy Daycare Rockingham

Yappy Days Doggy Daycare & Boarding For Smaller Dogs


Yappy Days Rockingham Waiver

The safety and well-being of your pet(s) is of paramount importance to Yappy Days Doggy Daycare. Ensuring your pet remains safe and well cared for in a clean and caring environment is our first responsibility and as such we take it very seriously. Your pet will be played with, socialised, rested and cuddled throughout their stay at Yappy Days. We do our best to have all pets screened for pre-existing health conditions but some factors may be beyond our control. Please read our terms and conditions below and tick the “I agree” box and submit your enrolment form only if you agree

1. The dog owner (“you”, “I”) understands that all canine clients enrolled with Yappy Days must be at least

14 weeks of age and/or visit us 7-10 days after their final C5 vaccination.

2. I understand the vaccination requirements for my dog to participate in daycare. I understand that my dog

must be free of fleas and parasites to participate. If fleas are noted on any animal, that animal will be

treated immediately with an appropriate product. There will be an additional charge for any necessary

flea or parasite treatment.

3. I understand that I must provide proof of up-to-date vaccination. Certification can be provided by

my veterinarian.

4. I understand that a free assessment on admission conducted by qualified staff will determine if my dog

is suitable for the Yappy Days environment. Although this assessment reduces the risk of disputes

occurring between dogs, I accept that it does not eliminate this risk.

5. I acknowledge that Yappy Days is a cage-free environment and my dog will be interacting off leash with

other dogs on the premises.

6. I understand that Yappy Days has relied upon my representation that my dog is in good health and has

not injured or shown aggression or threatening behaviour to any person or dog in admitting my dog for

daycare services at the Yappy Days facility

7. I understand and agree that any problems with my dog (behavioural, medical or otherwise) will be

treated as deemed as in the best interests of my animal at the discretion of Yappy Days staff. I

understand that I assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses involved in

regards to the behaviour and health of my dog.

8. I acknowledge that Yappy Days staff may use certain corrective behaviour techniques (in no way

detrimental to my dog) to maintain an enjoyable and safe environment for all dogs.

9. I understand that if my dog begins to display aggressive behaviour, Yappy Days may terminate my

daycare membership. Any monies in credit will be refunded to me. .

10. I understand there are risks and benefits associated with group socialisation of dogs. I agree the

benefits outweigh the risks and that I accept the risk. I desire a socialised environment for my dog while

in the care of Yappy Days. I understand that while the socialisation and play is closely and carefully

monitored by Yappy Days staff to prevent injury, it is still possible that during the course of normal play

my dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from playing with other dogs. Any such injuries to my dog

will be pointed out by staff upon pick-up.

11. I understand that Yappy Days owners, staff, partners and volunteers will not be liable, financially or

otherwise, for injuries to my dog, other animals or any property of mine while my dog is participating in

services provided by Yappy Days. I hereby release Yappy Days of any liability of any kind arising from my

dog’s participation in any and all services provided by this facility.

12. I understand that some risks always exist with canine corporate play and that I am encouraged to

discuss any concerns I have about those risks with Yappy Days staff before I agree to this release. I agree to let my dog participate in canine corporate play. I understand and agree that Yappy Days and its staff are

not liable for any accident or injury that may occur while my dog attends canine corporate play. My

signature on this form indicates that any questions have been answered to my satisfaction.

13. I shall reimburse Yappy Days for all services rendered, and services sought from third parties such as

medical treatment in relation to any loss, injuries or harm sustained by my dog or inflicted by my dog

upon a person while at the facility.

14. I understand that I am solely responsible, financially or otherwise, for any harm or damage caused by

my dog when it attends any services provided by Yappy Days.

15. I understand that should my dog become ill or injured while in the Yappy Days centre, staff will

administer basic first aid and contact me immediately if transfer to a veterinary clinic for further treatment

is required. I will be liable for any transport expenses incurred. Yappy Days will make every effort to

contact your dog’s veterinarian, however reserves the right to transfer the animal to its nominated clinic –

Malibu Vet Clinic, Malibu Road, Safety Bay, Rockingham.

16. Yappy Days is not responsible for any accidental death of my pet, or death due to a pre-existing health

condition or natural disaster (including but not limited to re, storm, flood, cyclone).

17. I am aware that Yappy Days posts videos of doggies in our care to social media.  I understand by allowing my dog to participate in services offered by Yappy Days, I hereby

agree to allow the facility to take photographs or use images of my pet in print form or otherwise for

publication and/or promotion. I authorise Yappy Days to take photographs/video of my dog while

participating in corporate play and I authorise the use of these photos in related marketing material and

on social media websites.

18. Unless you have pre booked your pet into our boarding facility, your dog must be collected prior to the

centre’s closing time of 6.00 pm.- Last pick up is 5.50pm –  All late pick-ups will incur a surcharge of $10-per-30 mins or part of.

19. I understand that if my dog is not picked up on time or by a date specified in a separate agreement, I

hereby authorise Yappy Days to take whatever action is deemed necessary for the continuing care of my

dog. I will pay Yappy Days the cost of any such continuing care upon demand by the facility. I

understand that if I do not pick up my animal, Yappy Days will proceed according to the guidelines

provided by the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. I also acknowledge that I will be fully responsible

for all attorneys’ fees and associated costs if I abandon my dog.

20. I certify that I am the owner or authorised agent for the owner of the above named pet and I authorise

Yappy Days to admit this pet to its daycare facility. I accept the financial responsibility for this pet and I

understand that payment is due at the time services are rendered.

21. In order to maintain the safety of my pet, I am aware that my dog must approach, enter and leave the

facility on a lead at all times.

22. I have read and understood the terms and conditions regarding the enrolment and continual service of

my dog(s) at Yappy Days and that I am waiving certain legal rights by agreeing to this
